Dattatreya Siva Baba is an Indian mystic who lives in USA the last years. Datta uses youtube to reveal to a large audience knowledge from Ancient India that have to do with Enlightment, Self knowledge and Mind Stillness. In this series of videos Datta describes how to Compress time and freeze a thought. Manifestation happens in between two thoughts or when the mind is still.
Sunday, 30 September 2007
Entering into Timeless Mind and Manifestation-How to Compress Time for Manifestation
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Friday, 28 September 2007
Awakening to Zero Point - Part 1-4
"We are going through a time of tremendous change". archaeological research and stunning visual evidence, Braden reveals the geophysical ... all » shifts predicted centuries ago – how the shift to "zero-point" influences our emotions, immune systems, and even our genetic code – and how each of us can use the Five Essene Tenets of Compassion to help trigger a new era for humankind. Are these the lost keys to the next phase of human evolution? Gregg Braden invites viewers to watch, listen, and decide for themselves – as he takes them on an unforgettable excursion Beyond Zero Point.
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Thursday, 27 September 2007
Empedocles said...
“The nature of God is a circle of which the center is everywhere and the circumference is nowhere”
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Plato "Knowing Yourself" - Dialogue from Alkiviades I
From Plato's Dialogues - Alkiviades I
Socrates dialogue with Alkiviades - "Knowing yourself" (γνῶναι ἑαυτόν)
SOCRATES: But should we ever have known what art makes a shoe better, if we did not know a shoe?
ALCIBIADES: Impossible.
SO. Nor should we know what art makes a ring better, if we did not know a ring?
AL. That is true.
SO. And can we ever know what art makes a man better, if we do not know what we are ourselves?
AL. Impossible.
SO. And is self-knowledge such an easy thing, and was he to be lightly esteemed who inscribed the text on the temple at Delphi? Or is self-knowledge a difficult thing, which few are able to attain?
AL. At times I fancy, Socrates, that anybody can know himself; at other times the task appears to be very difficult.
SO. But whether easy or difficult, Alcibiades, still there is no other way; knowing what we are, we shall know how to take care of ourselves, and if we are ignorant we shall not know.
AL. That is true. (...)
SO. Practise yourself, sweet friend, in learning what you ought to know, before you enter on politics; and then you will have an antidote which will keep you out of harm's way.
AL. Good advice, Socrates, but I wish that you would explain to me in what way I am to take care of myself.
SO. Have we not made an advance? for we are at any rate tolerably well agreed as to what we are, and there is no longer any danger, as we once feared, that we might be taking care not of ourselves, but of something which is not ourselves.
AL. That is true.
SO. And the next step will be to take care of the soul, and look to that?
AL. Certainly.
SO. Leaving the care of our bodies and of our properties to others?
AL. Very good.
SO. But how can we have a perfect knowledge of the things of the soul?--For if we know them, then I suppose we shall know ourselves. Can we really be ignorant of the excellent meaning of the Delphian inscription, of which we were just now speaking?
AL. What have you in your thoughts, Socrates?
SO. I will tell you what I suspect to be the meaning and lesson of that inscription. Let me take an illustration from sight, which I imagine to be the only one suitable to my purpose.
AL. What do you mean?
SO. Consider; if some one were to say to the eye, 'See thyself,' as you might say to a man, 'Know thyself,' what is the nature and meaning of this precept? Would not his meaning be:--That the eye should look at that in which it would see itself?
AL. Clearly.
SO. And what are the objects in looking at which we see ourselves?
AL. Clearly, Socrates, in looking at mirrors and the like.
SO. Very true; and is there not something of the nature of a mirror in our own eyes?
AL. Certainly.
SO. Did you ever observe that the face of the person looking into the eye of another is reflected as in a mirror; and in the visual organ which is over against him, and which is called the pupil, there is a sort of image of the person looking?
AL. That is quite true.
SO. Then the eye, looking at another eye, and at that in the eye which is most perfect, and which is the instrument of vision, will there see itself?
AL. That is evident.
SO. But looking at anything else either in man or in the world, and not to what resembles this, it will not see itself?
AL. Very true.
SO. Then if the eye is to see itself, it must look at the eye, and at that part of the eye where sight which is the virtue of the eye resides?
AL. True.
SO. And if the soul, my dear Alcibiades, is ever to know herself, must she not look at the soul; and especially at that part of the soul in which her virtue resides, and to any other which is like this?
AL. I agree, Socrates.
SO. And do we know of any part of our souls more divine than that which has to do with wisdom and knowledge?
AL. There is none.
SO. Then this is that part of the soul which resembles the divine; and he who looks at this and at the whole class of things divine, will be most likely to know himself?
AL. Clearly.
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Gurugha Sing on Prayer and about the Secret
Gurugha is one of the most important teachers i have found in the internet.
He has a unique way speaking about things a way that is universal and applies to anybody no matter religion although he himself is a Sikh. The way he speaks is very true, spiritual but also practical. I have learned a lot of things from him and always looking forward to hear him speaking on different subjects.
Guruka Singh shares with us his thoughts about what prayer is and how attune ourselves to God.
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Wednesday, 26 September 2007
What do the bleep we know - Flatland and Observation
2 clips from What do the Bleep we know with Dr Quantum(Physics).
The first one describes the flatland and how people perceive reality in 2 dimensions in a 2 dimensional world and what happens if a 3d dimension which is unknown to the Flat landers gets into their reality (imagine our world as a 3 dimensional world)
The second one describes the strange behavior of particles relating to observation, is this related to human observation and how things behave depending on how we observe them?
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What the Bleep we know - Addiction Clip
A clip from the film What the Bleep Do We Know talking about addictions to emotional states. I will add more clips from the same film in the future.
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Dalai Lama - Renaissence
"Dalai Lama Renaissance" Documentary Film Narrated by Harrison Ford
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Monday, 24 September 2007
Fr. Dumitru Staniloae - Essence of Christianity
Bishop Kallistos Ware considers Staniloae as perhaps the greatest Orthodox dogmatic theologian of modern times, but since most of his work remains untranslated, his greatness is not yet fully appreciated...
"The theologian of Christian love..."
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Deepak Chopra On Religions
"This is a wonderfully informative interview that I hope will enlighten others. I do not wish to offend those who are religious as i am sure they are equally as spiritual as they are religious which is wonderful.
There are great minds on this planet that are trying to awaken others to the manipulations of those who rule via commerce and industry be it material or be it of spiritual business.
People need to find that spiritual center within themselves and realize that we do not need a middle-man to tell us about G_D nor the meaning of life, we merely have to open to it and be of service to each other and our shared world.
We are all merely students and we are all others teachers and the lesson is simply be careful of what you accept as truth and fact.
Wisdom is of more use and of more value then material and not everyone who says he is for you and your benefit truly is.
Be that friend to yourself that you need in your life and be that friend to others.
Realize we are truly one and the same, just merely experiencing life through different prospectives.
We have been lied to for many centuries by those who we have trusted.
We have truly lied to ourself when we have lied to others, this is a truth for all men.
We have cheated ourself when we have cheated others and today is the day that we need to come together to strive for our common good, the good of all, not only a few and most importantly the future.
The time has come to rise above your self-imposed ignorance and help us to take back what is rightfully ours and yours, our freedom and our countries and together as mankind, the planet. We are mankind and there is unkind man which we need to face and identify and rectify.We are the change and we can and will be the future and not be lorded over by those who would kill us all to hide their lack of soul and their evil deeds and crimes.
Today we must realize that we are the universe and we are our own and our brothers and our sisters destiny, we are no longer statistics, we simply are and will continue to be.
I am truly sorry about the above sermon but I hope you help yourself and help everyone else by waking up!
Stop buying crap and useless junk.
Shop local, support your neighbors
Volunteer your time to good causes
Remember, we were all a child once, we are all adults or going to be adults and we will all become elders, so we need to help and respect all people of all races, religions, creeds and ages.
Be a student and be a teacher everyday but mostly, be a student of life and of nature and acknowledge that all is cause and effect.
Be humble and do things without being asked and expect no return from those you help as it will always come back from another.
Cherish freedom and remind those you love, of your love each and everyday but not solely with words but also in your actions."
A very nice article from Eye8one2- http://sheopleawaken.blogspot. com
and an ispired discussion from Deepak Chopra
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Sunday, 23 September 2007
To know or not to know
Very simple message here, sounds complex... but it isn´t
Right for those who might not know yet what this is about, this is a message to clear things up a bit on knowing or mostly remembering what we already know, but have either forgotten what you know, or know it, but decide not to go by what you already know, from either society or fear...
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The Secret: The Miracle Man
The Miracle Man as he describes his story in the Secret Movie.
Having survived an airplane crash..with his whole body crashed...the doctors told him he will be vegetable for the rest of his life...he replied that he walk out of the hospital by next Christmas...the power of mind
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Saturday, 22 September 2007
David Lynch on Compassion
David Lynch answers a question about compasion and development of the Self. From the 2006 David Lynch Weekend
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Friday, 21 September 2007
Orpheus Poems
AND you will find in Hades' halls at the left a fountain / and beside this a white standing cypress; / near that spring do not approach at all. / You will find from another, from Memory's lake, / cold water coming forth; but there exist guardians at the front. / To say*: "earth's child am I and starry heaven's; / however my origin is heavenly; this you know yourselves; / I'm under great thirst and perishing; but give quickly / cold water from Memory's lake." / And they will give you to drink from the divine fountain / and then you will reside with the other heroes.
From man, you became God.
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Orpheus Poems
CHAOS was and Night and dark Erebus in the beginning and the wide Tartarus. Neither the Earth nor the air, nor heaven existed.
And in the limitless bosom of the Erebus, black-winged Night laid firstly a germless egg, out of which, after a long course of time sprouted cherished Love (Eros), shining with golden wings at his back, being like the whirlwinds of the wind.
And he mated with the winged dark Chaos in wide Tartarus and he hatched forth our generation and brought it first up to the light.
Before Love mixed together everything, the generation of the Immortals did not exist. By Love, mixing everything with each other, Heaven came to be, and Ocean and also the Earth and the immortal generation of all the blissful Gods.
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Thursday, 20 September 2007
Gregg Braden - The God Code
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Hidden deep within our DNA is a code according to noted author and lecturer Gregg Braden. This code unifies every living being on the planet at a time when unity will become our survival.
From his groundbreaking books, 'Awakening to Zero Point' and 'Walking Between the Worlds', to his pioneering work in 'The Isaiah Effect', Gregg offers meaningful solutions to the unique challenges of our time. In his newest book, 'The God Code', Gregg ventures beyond the traditional boundaries of science and spirituality, revealing the words of an ancient and timeless message encoded as the DNA of all life!
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Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Our planet is still full of wonders. As we explore them, so we gain not only understanding, but power. It's not just the future of the whale that today lies in our hands: it's the survival of the natural world in all parts of the living planet. We can now destroy or we can cherish. The choice is ours
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Friday, 14 September 2007
The Secret Revealed: An introduction by Bob Proctor
The Secret is a Universal Law that exists since Universe was created...It is like the Law of Gravity and is the Law of Attraction which says Likes attract Likes...Bob proctor reveals the Secret in a very simple way...change your attitude...change your positive and you can attract to your life everything you want...everyone of us has experience it in some ways in his life...because thoughts are vibrations and we are vibrational beings..thoughts are material as exactly as our bodies...Think what you want and you will have it..if you think what you dont want you will have what you dont want..this is the Law of Attraction....soon i will post more on this...
After this you can watch a very important video with Esther Hicks...very empowering ... a video that can change your life to the better...
If we change our Reality we can change the World....
...o kosmos allazei
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Sunday, 9 September 2007
The Shift is Coming
World is changing and we are very close to it...The Shift movie is one of many movies recently that have purpose to erase Global awareness
THE SHIFT movie raises awareness to the story of our roles in an evolutionary shift in our collective consciousness.
As it chronicles the faces, the stories and leaders assisting in this social transformation, the film reveals its emergence & meaning
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Friday, 7 September 2007
The Message
The Message - One World - Is it true or not?
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Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Steve Jobs is one of the most successful, innovative thinking people in the world.
In this sort video he makes a speech at a University where he describes 3 stories of his life.
Very inspiring and a must see for people who want to take life on their hands and change their life
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